Session 3 has the intent of releasing the sides of the body and completes the superficial phase of the Soma Structural Series. We work around the trochanter (angle or outer ball) of the femur (thigh bone) and thru the hips to continue releasing the three layers of gluteal muscles from the each other, the leg, and pelvis. We continue down the outside of the leg to lengthen the IT bands, the strong fibrous ‘tape’ connecting our hips to our knees. We work to adjust the tension balance of the foot stirrup formed by the shin muscle (anterior tibialis) on the front of the leg, and the peroneals (peroneus longus, brevis, and tertius) along the outside of the shin between the fibula bone and the calf muscles.
We work the hip crest to allow the pelvis to move more independently from the ribcage. We release the QL or quadratus lumborum and paraspinal muscles that get so sore in our low and mid back. We continue work along the side of the ribcage where the thin serratus anterior and intercostal (between the ribs) muscles tie into the underside of the shoulder blade (scapula). Working the diaphragm under the ribs, the sternum (where the ribs attach at the center of the chest) and the collar bones (clavicles) helps the client continue to explore the circular nature of an open breathing cycle. Work in the underarm area releases the upper ribcage from the pecs (pectoralis major and minor, chest muscles) in the front and from the scapulae (shoulder blades) in the back. On top of the shoulder, we continue to train the traps (trapezius muscles) off of the neck and down the back. We work the neck in rotation and flexion and address the side of the head and the scalp. The ever important psoas muscles are worked in motion. The client is often coached in sitting, standing, and moving postures with the intent of awareness of core support.
Session 3 is one of deepening. With many of the outer superficial components free, we begin minor work on underlying core structures. We work to help the client’s “in-sperience” to sense the many layers that interact to create our body shape. Clients are encouraged to explore the sensation of moving under a looser outer layer and attend to what thoughts and emotions that might elicit. Much like “muscle memory,” connective tissue not only holds us in our shape physically, but acts as a positional archive of how our body has moved and related to gravity throughout our existence. Opening the body often allows the mind to reveal memory that might not have surfaced had the connective tissue matrix not begun to adjust and rebalance. As old positional information is released, the body updates to new information as postural and movement pattern changes feed back through the nervous system. With the superficial layers released, we are able to move into the deeper work of adjusting core lines of connectivity in the body. |